The ArborXR product team
Device Setup App

Pairing App Refactor

AUTHOR: The ArborXR product team

The source code of the Pairing App has been restructured so as to improve operation and certain functionality. Click here for additional information on notable bug fixes and improvements.

Notable Bug Fixes & Improvements:

- Certain issues are directly & proactively recognized in the Pairing App. The Pairing App will show an explanation of the issue and instructions on how to potentially resolve the issue.
- A connected device's name can be changed as part of reinstalling the Client App.
- The Pairing App checks for updates to itself and prompts users to update.
- On MacOS the Pairing App links to the support page from the help menu item.
- The technology used for the Pairing App has changed. It supports older operating system versions on both Windows and macOS. Windows 10 version 1607 or macOS version 10.10 or later are required.
- The Signed-In Sessions displayed within the user's Account Settings page is able to list that a session is from the Pairing App.
- Logging has been improved to allow easier troubleshooting of issues. Additionally, if a crash occurs the details are collected the next time the application runs.
- On MacOS the Pairing App crash details have been significantly improved to help with troubleshooting.
- To ensure the device can't get into a state that can't be resolved, the Pairing App no longer allows cancelling the reinstall of the Client App to a device.
- The sign-in session of a previous run of the Pairing App was sometimes not utilized, despite it still being active. The user is no longer asked to log in again in this case.
- On MacOS the Pairing App didn't behave like a regular app. That included proper window shadows, the expected menu items like text cut, copy and paste as well as support for various shortcuts (including closing the window and quitting the app). This is no longer the case and the MacOS Pairing App now behaves like a regular app.
- The Pairing App had a small chance to crash on startup on specific Mac models. This is no longer the case.
- Reinstalling the Client App via the Pairing App works without having to uninstall the previous version. This change works around an issue on devices (namely the Oculus Quest 2) that have a bug in the Android internals, which required a factory-reset any time the Client App required a reinstall.
- The Pairing App now uses the system's built-in networking technology, which ensures proper support for TLS 1.2 and other modern network communication standards.

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