The ArborXR product team
Client App

Client App Refactor

AUTHOR: The ArborXR product team

The source code of the Client App has been restructured so as to improve operation and certain functionality. Click here for additional information on notable bug fixes and improvements.

Notable Bug Fixes & Improvements:

- There was a bug where content apps would show as updated on the ArborXR dashboard but would still be on the old version on the headset. This has been resolved and silent content app updates are now working as expected.
- Background work done by the Client App is more optimized by introducing the concept of constraints. E.g. device health is only monitored when the device is active and online.
- The Client App now use the system's built-in networking technology, which ensures proper support for TLS 1.2 and other modern network communication standards.
- Logging has been improved to allow easier troubleshooting of issues. Additionally, if a crash occurs the details are collected the next time the application runs.
- Failing background work in the Client App is retried repeatedly. Previously specific work only was attempted again after rebooting the device.

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