The ArborXR product team
Map Billing to "Parent" Organization
Web Portal

Consolidated billing

AUTHOR: The ArborXR product team
RELATED ROADMAP ITEMS: Map Billing to "Parent" Organization

An organization contains devices, device groups, content (apps and files) and users. ArborXR's multi-organization functionality enables users to create and belong multiple organizations, and easily toggle between them. While organizations are sandboxed from each other and are not nested, users can now map the billing of their child organizations to their parent organization. This way, billing can be consolidated across multiple organizations.  

For more information on ArborXR's multi-organization functionality, click here.

For more information on mapping billing of child organizations to a parent organization, click here.


If you have any questions or would like to learn more about how this new feature can be implemented in your specific use case, please don't hesitate to reach out to us here!

The ArborXR Team

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